Eolfi Greater China
Onshore wind power development in Taiwan, a densely populated island, was already being limited by lack of space. Offshore wind locations were equally restricted by water depth, competition from existing developers and zoning restrictions. A massive expansion was needed to meet the government’s ambitious green energy goals, but this would require a new approach.
I saw an opportunity to introduce a new solution to Taiwan: floating offshore wind. This promising technology was (at that time) not yet fully matured and only understood by a handful of experts. It was also not yet included in Taiwan’s regulatory framework.
Immediately, I set out with a comprehensive strategy. I co-founded Eolfi Taiwan and assembled a team of multi-cultural experts in technical and policy matters. I initiated negotiations with government agencies and regulators, and a wide range of stakeholders including port administrators, fishermen and environmental lobbyists.
To ensure I would make a convincing case for introducing floating technology to Taiwan, I also procured professional services (studies, surveys, investigations) from local and international consultants and hired a public relation agency to initiate a communication strategy towards various stakeholders.
After a 4-year period, in which I pioneered the development of a portfolio of 2,500MW of projects, I successfully sold off the company to COBRA IS, a world leader in energy-related engineering, works and services.